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How To Get Your YouTube Video On The First Results of YouTube Search? 5 Methods

Youtube is one of the most popular social media platforms in the world and the number of users using youtube to share valuable content. If you are one of those who are sharing something valuable with billions of active users on youtube then you must be struggling with how to see your video first result on Youtube search.


If it’s become hard to find you on youtube that means no one is watching your videos even not subscribing. This will hurt your search ranking on Youtube.


We will see some important tactics to get youtube videos on the first result of youtube search.


Importance of Youtube Search

Every day a number of videos are uploaded on youtube and day by day it is becoming hard to rank videos on first place. Youtube has millions of active users everyday and with these visitors on site each day, Youtube search engine improves their video ranking calculator.


YouTube is also the second-largest search engine in the world, after Google. If you’re able to take advantage of the exposure and traffic that YouTube provides, you might find yourself at the top of the search engine results for YouTube. Competition is highly strong. There are millions of high-quality videos on youtube, all expertly produced and optimised for search engines.


Like Google, Youtube also has ranking factors to determine your videos in the search results. Generally youtube checks how many views, comments and for how much your videos watch. On this basis youtube calculates and ranks your videos on search engines.


To get the high ranking for your videos on youtube, you need to improve your video so viewers click on your video and hit play. It’s not only about improving video content, you have to improve your video keywords, title, description and tags.


Use All These 5 Methods to get your videos on First Results of Youtube Search


1. Choose Strong Keywords. You may be very familiar with keywords. Keywords are the most important for ranking websites in search engines like that in Youtube search results keywords are also most important.


Adding keywords to your videos title, description and tags will give you the best results on youtube search. But it doesn’t mean that you can add any keywords. You have to do research which keywords are most searchable by users and also which keywords have low competition. As you can see, competition is growing day by day so you can’t rank your videos which have high competition level keywords.


Choose very strong and long tail keywords which can give you great results and for that you can use keyword tool planner.


Use roughly 10 tags that contain the video categorization, video content, place where it was shot, and the names of the people who appear in the video as a general guideline.


2. Include Keywords in your video titles. Title is another key part of SEO ranking through which people get an idea what they can expect from your videos. Titles are also attracting viewers to watch the video but it should be perfect and give an idea of what exactly the video is.


Title should not be too long or else viewers will lose interest in your videos. It should not be too short either, otherwise viewers ignore your videos if they don’t know what the video is.


Your title should be around 120 characters. This is the perfect length of title and you must describe your video in this title. In order to get viewers to watch your video, you should select a title that accurately describes what the video is about. It’s important to choose titles that are both concise and easy to read.


So you must add keywords in your titles that will optimize your video better in your search results.


3. Optimize description with keywords. Description of your videos will give an brief idea about video content and that is the best way to describe your video. This is most important while uploading videos. So when you are writing a good description for your videos, you must include your keywords.


Keep in mind that you must not use too many keywords in your description otherwise it will count as spammy and your video ranking will get hurt in the SERP of Youtube. Make sure to add a link to your website or blog in your video description. A backlink to your website from YouTube is taken into account when determining your Google search engine rating.


4. Buy keyword research views. Some people want to buy YouTube views to boost the ranking of their videos on YouTube, while others prefer to use SEO views to achieve the same goal. It is essential to keep in mind, however, that there are a significant number of fake views available on the market, and that not all types of views will result in a higher ranking for your videos.

You need people who have never seen your video before to search for the keywords associated with it and then watch the majority of it. The most efficient method for increasing your video’s ranking on YouTube is to purchase views from a reliable source, such as LenosTube’s keyword views, which can then effectively result on a return of your money via a better rank.

These views, which I use sometime, are intended to improve your click-through rate (CTR) and show Google that your video is superior to all other results that can be found for the target keywords. As a result, your video rankings will improve drastically as a result of this.

5. Customize your video thumbnails. You may get wonderful how the thumbnail will be part of Youtube SEO as that is only an image. But yes, if you see most successful youtubers who get a number of views on their videos they use good thumbnails to give a good idea about video.

If we talk in another way, the thumbnail is the face of your video. If you want people to watch your video, the first thing they’ll see is the title.


Take the time to design a unique, eye-catching thumbnail for your video that explains what it is all about. Your thumbnail’s resolution should be 1280 x 720 pixels with a 16:9 aspect ratio for optimal results.


At the last choose the right keywords and include it in your video titles, description and tags but also include in your video thumbnail. This plays a very important role in your Youtube SEO to get first on youtube search results. Thumbnails should be very unique and attractive, keep this in your mind. Through this you can get more traffic by promoting your videos on all social media platforms.